La sanidad así­ no es sostenible

Iniciado por San Daniel, Noviembre 17, 2009, 11:49:36 AM

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Cita de: PP2000 en Junio 07, 2018, 07:31:38 PM
creo que la base "epistemológica" de su movida era esto: estoy seguro, voy a seguir investigando.

olvidad a Marvel, es este rollo si cabe más flipado:
Recommended by EiR Members: Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS)... creo que lo de ser una familia supernumeraria nos va a salir más a cuenta... rollo heavy, entrar bajo adulta responsabilidad:


Cita de: PP2000 en Junio 07, 2018, 07:54:40 PM
Cita de: PP2000 en Junio 07, 2018, 07:31:38 PM
creo que la base "epistemológica" de su movida era esto: estoy seguro, voy a seguir investigando.

olvidad a Marvel, es este rollo si cabe más flipado:
Recommended by EiR Members: Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS)... creo que lo de ser una familia supernumeraria nos va a salir más a cuenta... rollo heavy, entrar bajo adulta responsabilidad:

Ejemplo de nivel epistemológico heursítico porcojonista... mare de deu:
some things I have learned about the autonomic nervous system.
The autonomic nervous system regulates those aspects of the body that occur automatically such as circulation, breathing, heart rate, digestion and blood pressure. It is also known as the involuntary nervous system and it is comprised of two parts known as the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system.
In our brain we have toxin receptors, called xenosensors. Toxins of all kinds; pesticides, cologne, laundry soap, bacteria, lyme, yeast, heavy metals, etc. are able to cross the blood brain barrier, which then triggers these receptors. These receptors have one of two roles. One, they trigger the locus ceruleus in the brain stem that a threat exists (the toxin) and the locus ceruleus releases norepinephrine to ignite the fight/flight system otherwise known as the sympathetic nervous system. Norepinephrine is an excitatory neurotransmitter and although crucial for survival, it is toxic to the brain in excess.
Once norepinephrine is released, then it stimulates the amygdala into action, which triggers emotions like fear, anxiety or anger, and the hypothalamus which triggers the pituitary to release ACTH to stimulate the adrenal glands to release cortisol and then preganglion sympathetic neurons stimulate the adrenal medulla to release epinephrine.
It was once thought that the hypothalamus was what set off the stress response system, then later it was believed that it was the amygdala. What we know now is that it is neither one of them. It is the locus ceruleus that sets off the stress response system. The amygdala fires off in response to messages from the locus ceruleus via norepinephrine.
This is called the stress response system and it is activated anytime we are under stress of any kind. Environmental toxins are one kind of stress that we are all exposed to on a daily basis, this is called toxic stress. The more toxins you are exposed to, the more often your sympathetic nervous system is called into action.
All toxins trigger this fight or flight system/sympathetic nervous system. This includes environmental toxins like pesticides, air pollution, heavy metals, food additives, etc., as well as toxins released from viruses like lyme and bacteria like h pylori or yeast like candida, as well as metabolic toxins like ammonia if they aren't eliminated properly.
The fight or flight system or sympathetic nervous system is designed to protect our survival. It is activated anytime there is a threat to our existence. It's our most basic survival mechanism and runs on an unconscious level. Earlier in our evolution as a species it would protect us from predators like a tiger. If confronted by a tiger, then the stress response system would jump in to provide us with the resources to either fight the tiger or run.
Once we escaped the tiger, then the fight or flight system would return to its normal pre-stress state, known as the parasympathetic state. Now, in our modern day life we don't typically face any "real" tigers while walking down the street, however we are surrounded by many different types of "tigers" like pesticides, heavy metals, air pollution, poor diet, cell towers, financial difficulties, working two jobs, traffic jams, raising a family etc. These are all types of stress that trigger our stress response system.
The sympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system and it works in tandem with the parasympathetic nervous system. This process takes place in the area of the brain called the limbic system, sometimes referred to as the old brain or the paleomammalian brain. Now, what it is supposed to happen when all is functioning as it should, once the threat to our survival is gone, (the toxin) the parasympathetic nervous system is supposed to take over and turn off the sympathetic nervous system.
So basically, the sympathetic nervous system is the accelerator of the nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system is the brakes.
When the sympathetic nervous system is dominant, ie we are in fight or flight mode, digestion and circulation are impaired, pupils dilate, blood pressure and heart rate rise, cognitive abilities and memory may be impaired, we are hyper alert and given a boost of energy, blood sugar rises, hormones are disrupted, sleep and the detoxification system are impaired, there's a decline in immune function, neurotransmitters are used up, all of our senses, (particularly our sense of smell, taste and sound) are heightened and there are high levels of fear and anxiety.
(You should take note: don't the symptoms of the sympathetic nervous system arousal look strikingly similar to the symptoms experienced by those with MCS, EHS and CFS - Adrenal Fatigue?)
All of this occurs so that we are capable of coping with the threat or stressor at hand. The sole purpose of the fight or flight system is to prepare our body for a violent confrontation or to run.
Once the threat (stressor or toxin) is over, then the parasympathetic nervous system restores the body to normal. Heart rate, digestion, circulation, blood pressure, senses etc. are restored to normal. We are in a state of rest and relaxation. The body actually prefers to be in the parasympathetic state. It is our normal state.
The sympathetic nervous system or fight/flight is intended only for brief emergencies. If we remain in that state for too long then our health begins to deteriorate. Conditions like multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome - adrenal fatigue, EHS, FMS, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia, heart disease, high blood pressure etc. begin to develop. This is known as dysautonomia or autonomic nervous system dysfunction.
Additionally, when we are consistently in the sympathetic state, this puts excessive stress on the adrenal glands. At first this causes high levels of cortisol and if this continues for a long period of time, then eventually cortisol levels become depleted and can no longer meet the demands of stress. Cortisol is critical in supporting the body during times of stress. If you don't have sufficient levels of cortisol, then you aren't going to be coping well with stress. This is when adrenal fatigue develops.
The sympathetic state is degenerative when we remain in it for a prolonged period of time because it breaks us down. The parasympathetic state is regenerative. In order to regain health or heal from "any" health condition, the body must return to the parasympathetic state. Dr. Gant told me that I had MCS because something was keeping my body in a state of sympathetic stress and in order to recover I needed to identify the factors that were in play and eliminate them.

...que comás menos cosas envasadas y estarás mejor y no tendrás hongos de colores en el puto glande... eso da que pensar, desde luego


Vacunas causan juegos de palabras sobre la dermis de las tetas de las vacas.


Cita de: Glatts en Junio 21, 2018, 04:07:39 PM

De IZDA a DCHA y de arriba a abajo: no, sí, no, sí, sí, depende, ¿qué eres?, no, ¿al primer transexual de la reserva Pawnee?...todo es ponerse.


Una historiadora descubre en un cajón en Suiza un demoledor análisis de la sanidad franquista elaborado por la OMS en 1967



Escasez de medios, opacidad estadística... Lamela/Aguirre- culo-pepsicola.


desde el momento que se destruye la reputación del que disiente, se cierra la boca al que tiene otra opinión, se censuran las voces disonantes y se instaura un relato único, desde ese momento ya no es ciencia, es propaganda.


Instalan piscina interior para refrescarse del calor, y la gente aún se queja.


Cita de: Glatts en Julio 16, 2018, 08:46:53 PM
Instalan piscina interior para refrescarse del calor, y la gente aún se queja.

Y además seguro que les dan helado de postre todos los días.
It's very difficult todo esto.


Cita de: Baku en Julio 16, 2018, 08:48:17 PM
Cita de: Glatts en Julio 16, 2018, 08:46:53 PM
Instalan piscina interior para refrescarse del calor, y la gente aún se queja.

Y además seguro que les dan helado de postre todos los días.

Encima eso


Carmen Montón se acaba de cargar a Belén Crespo, directora de la Agencia Española del Medicamento. Una excelente profesional que estaba haciendo un gran trabajo sin sectarismos políticos. De hecho no era un cargo PP, pues fue nombrada durante la presidencia de Zapatero, y lo siguió ejerciendo durante la totalidad del último periodo PP, viendo pasar seis Ministros de Sanidad hasta que se ha topado con la Montonera.

Vamos muy bien.


Bueno, pues ya tenemos los dos primeros casos autóctonos de dengue en España. Es decir, adquirido en España, sin haber viajado a los países donde es endémico. Son dos murcianos de la misma familia.