Uh! Oh! Muere el nazi bueno

Iniciado por el de la 13, Marzo 14, 2007, 10:52:13 AM

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema

el de la 13

Pues al final lo sabia. Que estaba claro, pero ahora lo dice él mismo.

Letter proves Speer knew Of Nazi Holocaust Plan

A newly discovered letter by Adolf Hitler's architect and armaments minister Albert Speer offers proof that he knew about the plans to exterminate the Jews, despite his repeated claims to the contrary.

Writing in 1971 to Helene Jeanty, the widow of a Belgian resistance leader, Speer admitted that he had been at a conference where Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS and Gestapo, had unveiled plans to exterminate the Jews in what is known as the Posen speech. Speer's insistence that he had left before the end of the meeting, and had therefore known nothing about the Holocaust, probably spared him from execution after the Nuremberg trials at the end of the second world war.
It helped earn him the name of "the good Nazi" and the image of a genius architect who had misguidedly slipped into Nazi circles to further his career. Instead of facing death as many top Nazis did, Speer served 20 years in prison, mainly for using slave labor.

In the letter to Jeanty, written on December 23, 1971, Speer wrote: "There is no doubt - I was present as Himmler announced on October 6, 1943, that all Jews would be killed". He continued: "Who would believe me that I suppressed this, that it would have been easier to have written all of this in my memoirs?"

Speer, who died in London in 1981, denied knowing about the Holocaust in his best-selling 1969 book, "Inside the Third Reich", as well as in lengthy interviews with the British author Gitta Sereny, who wrote a biography on him.

The letter is part of a collection of 100 between Speer and Mrs. Jeanty, an author, written between 1971 and 1981, recently found in Britain. They are due to be auctioned at Bonhams, London, on March 27.
Intellpuke: You can read this article by Guardian correspondent Kate Connolly, reporting from Berlin, Germany, in context here: www.guardian.co.uk/secondworldwar/story/0,,2032490,00.html
Sus voy a hacer una pubricidad mala.

Mikel Otsuka

A mí­ este tí­o siempre me ha caí­do mal. Cuidadito con los estetas.

Por cierto. ¿Qué supieron las autoridades franquistas y los falangistas de los planes de exterminio? ¿Y qué les parecieron?
- E una puta tan susia, tan guarra y tan arrastrá que la yaman la PSN. - ¿Pero tan serda e? - Hombre, siempre se esagera...

el de la 13

Cita de: Mikel Otsuka en Marzo 14, 2007, 11:03:30 AM
A mí­ este tí­o siempre me ha caí­do mal. Cuidadito con los estetas.

Por cierto. ¿Qué supieron las autoridades franquistas y los falangistas de los planes de exterminio? ¿Y qué les parecieron?

Eso es porque no te has leido sus memorias.

Quien no quiere a Speer no quiere a su padre.
Sus voy a hacer una pubricidad mala.


el de la 13

Una de las pocas que no sale mal parada en las memorias del nazi bueno.
Sus voy a hacer una pubricidad mala.


Yo lo que no le perdono es el pésimo  gusto que tení­a para la arquitectura. Menos mal que estuvo 20 años sin construir.

el de la 13

Fue perdiendo el buen gusto con el tiempo, a medida que la mierda nazi le iba llegando al cerebelo, pero las puestas en escena se le daban bien de cojones.

Esto lo creo para hacer desfilar los cargos del partido. Eran gordos y desfilaban mal, asi que les convirtio en sombras que se movian bajo una catedral de luz.
Sus voy a hacer una pubricidad mala.